Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Problem Analysis Triangle

Problem Analysis Triangle

One of the most effective ways to analyze a problem is by using the problem solving analysis triangle.

According to Peak and Glensor "the problem analysis triangle helps officers visualize the problem and understand the relationship between 3 elements" (89).  The three elements are require for a problem or crime to occur.

The first element needed is the offender.  This is the person or persons that commit the crime.  The second element needed would be the victim or victims that the offender victimizes.  The last element needed for the problem analysis triangle is a place or location.  This is a location that crime can occur.

The problem analysis triangle works on the basis that if police can just change on the elements on the triangle then no crime will occur.  Lets say that law enforcement uses the crime prevention through environmental design to change a dark alley into a well lighted area that you can easily see from the street.  Law enforcement has taken the location away from the offender so no crime can occur there now and the problem is solved.  This also work with the other two elements.  If police arrest the offenders crimes will stop occurring or if they convince potential victims to no go to certain locations then there will be no one that can get victimized.

There is one more triangle that can be placed outside the original and main one.  The second triangle contains handlers, guardians and managers.  Handlers are usually parents, teachers or neighbors.  These are people that want to help try and convince the offenders to stop what they are doing and to help them.  Guardians are people that have control over one of the elements in the triangle.  These people include law enforcement, parents and probation or parole officers.  Managers are the people that focus on the locations.  This includes property owners and managers of stores in the area.

As you can see there are many different people that can have an effect on one element of the problem and prevent crimes from occurring.  By changing one element of the triangle a person can easily prevent crimes from occurring there.  

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