Sunday, November 17, 2013

Four R's of Policing


The Four R's of Policing are one of the most important concepts when it comes to community policing.  The four letters stand for reliability, responsiveness, reassurance and results.  These four r's like S.A.R.A are an important tool in law enforcement to serve their community.  

Reliability means that the police are reliable and the community can count on them no matter what the situation is to respond to calls and to do their job.  If police are not reliable the community will begin to lose faith in them and make seek other ways to fix their problems.  

Responsiveness is how fast the police or law enforcement respond to calls.  If law enforcement does not respond to calls quick enough things and turn really bad.  Take a domestic violence call for example, if the police arrive in a timely manner they can break up the fight and separate the people before it gets worse.  However, if they take too long one person could be seriously injured maybe even killed.  It is vital that police respond to calls in a timely manner.

Reassurance, this may not sound like a huge deal to some people, but for many people in the community it is extremely important.  Citizens want to be reassured by the people protecting them that they are safe and don't have to worry about being victimized.  Or in the case that they have already been victimized they want to be reassured that everything will be alright and law enforcement will do everything in their power to try and bring the perpetrator to justice.

The last R citizens want to see from their law enforcement agency is results.  The community wants to see the results of all the efforts of police and see if what they are doing is in fact helping the community.  If a police department is spending a lot of money on something that is not really helping the community, the community can let them know that they are not happy with that and something needs to change.  Results are extremely important for police departments because they can share the information they get with other police departments and figure out what the best course of action would be for the problem they are facing.

The Four R's of Policing are an important tool in law enforcement's fight against crime and to serve their community.

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